How to increase strength: foods, exercise and psychological support

Shrimp and Vegetables for Strength

To improve potency, it is not necessary to buy expensive drugs and engage in painful treatment.

Often, potency problems can be solved by means available to every man.

It is no secret that nutrition plays an important role in building male potency.

To increase male potency at home, you should supplement your diet with the following products:

  • seafood. . . The main components are zinc and selenium, which are abundant in seafood, and play an important role in increasing potency. In addition, testosterone synthesis improves - for this you need to eat more oily sea fishit occurs.
  • Mad(Walnuts, almonds and pistachios). The main element affecting potency is arginine. It is an amino acid that helps in improving blood circulation in the body.
  • parsley. . . This folk remedy helps to restore hormonal balance in the male body. The fact is that parsley prevents excessive production of female hormones in the male body, thus promoting the synthesis of testosterone. In addition, parsleyAn excellent remedy for the prevention of prostatitis.
  • Onion and Garlic. . . These products also help to improve blood circulation, contain selenium necessary for the synthesis of testosterone and help fight bacterial diseases, and regulate the general condition of the prostate.
  • Chocolate(Prepared according to a recipe from at least 65% cocoa). This remedy will help to create favorable conditions for improving mood and improving potency.

How to increase male potency at home with exercise?

To increase male potency it is useful to train the pubococcigal muscle. This muscle has a direct effect on the degree and quality of the erection, so the better the muscle development, the better the erection.

With the help of a few exercises, you can quickly achieve impressive results:

  • "holding a stone": You need to stand up, put your hands on your belt, bend your knees slightly. Try to bend your legs even more while contracting and relaxing your glutes. Legs not fully straightenedbecause there is an imaginary "stone" between them, which must be "caught".
  • "Parade Steps": It is necessary to stand straight, lower your hands, raise your legs as high as possible so that your knees are almost pressed against your stomach, as if walking formally.
  • "Bridge": you need to lie on your back, knees bent, hands along the body. Raise the pelvis during the exercise.
  • "Ride on a Bicycle": you need to lie on your back, put your arms along the body. The legs need to be raised and rotated, as if riding a bicycle. From time to time you need to "go" as fast as possibleTrying to speed up.

It will also be useful to visit the pool and massage procedures, which improve the general well-being of a person, will allow him to cheer up.

How to increase potency at home with psychological help?

Mental disorders often cause potency problems, which can result in the development of psychological impotence. There can be many factors: from problems at work to persistent self-delusions for whatever reason.


Never hide or hide your problems from your partner. A loving woman will always support you, try to help you to solve the problem. It resolves on its own soon after.

In men, it is believed that acknowledging their sexual problems and talking about it with a partner is a manifestation of the male's weakness. This confusion leads to the persistence of the problem, an increase of misunderstanding and mistrust between partners. You can increase potency at home if you just want psychological help and discuss existing problems.

How to take beer with sour cream for potency correctly and what effect does mint have on potency?

Beer and sour cream to increase potency

Beer with sour cream for potency is a kind of cocktail that has a beneficial effect on the male body, including increasing potency at home.

The positive effect of the drink is manifested in the fact that the man feels a surge of strength and vivacity. Many people compare this effect with taking Viagra.

The drink contains only two ingredients - beer and sour cream. The desired result can be achieved if you observe a sense of proportion using this mixture of products: obesity from excessive consumption of beer with sour cream for strengthincluding negative consequences.

Peppermint is a medicinal plant that also affects the condition and quality of erections. However, the effect of mint on potency is rather harmful. The fact is that this herb has a calming effect, resulting in blocking any stimulation in the human body. Nevertheless, such an effect of menthol on the male body manifests itself only as a result of natural peppermint intake and after prolonged systematic use of peppermint.

Several recipes from these products for strength:

  • Beer must be natural, that is, its shelf life should not exceed two weeks. High fat sour cream is used. There is no universal recipe - you can add some sour cream to your beer to taste (but vice versaNo). Of course, you should not overuse this drink. The reason is simple: after 2-3 liters of beer with sour cream for potency, male potency will disappear, and if you drink too much alcohol for a long timeIf so, the power will be damaged by the effect of beer.
  • As mentioned above, only natural peppermint can have a detrimental effect on potency if this plant is consumed regularly. Not the natural ingredients of mint in menthol cigarettes (harmful in itself), mint gum and teaSo there is nothing to be afraid of them.

What are good tinctures for potency and what are their disadvantages

ginseng root for potency

Potency tinctures are folk remedies to improve the condition of the male reproductive system. Tinctures are made at home and taken systemically.

The basis of any tincture for potency is alcohol (vodka) and various dried plants: ginseng, ginger root, nettle, ginger, hawthorn.

The advantages of tinctures for potency are the low cost of the drug, ease of preparation and use compared to drugs. Also, such tinctures can provide additional support in the treatment of certain diseases.

The disadvantage is that some potency tinctures have little to do with medicine. You should also forget to drive a car after taking the tincture, as it is alcohol based.

Several recipes for tincture for potency

  • nettle:Nettle seeds need to be added to the boiling grape wine and cook the mixture for no more than five minutes. It takes about 30 minutes to infuse the mixture. Drink 50 ml of tincture before bedtime.
  • Ginseng:It is not very easy to find ginseng on sale, however, ready-made tinctures are sold in pharmacies. Take 30-40 drops in the morning and at lunch.
  • St John's wort:Pour two tablespoons of herbs with a glass of boiling water and insist for about an hour. The tincture for potency is drunk during the day, and the whole glass should be drunk in three doses.
  • horse chestnut: Dried grains are crushed, 50 g of seeds must be poured with 50% alcohol or vodka. Insist for two weeks, take 30 drops three times a day.
  • Kalgan:30 g of the root is poured with 500 ml of vodka and infused for about three weeks. For potency such tincture is drunk in 30 drops, plus it is diluted with water.

Why is tea good for potency and what are its disadvantages?

Tea for potency has useful properties: for example, green tea contains a lot of zinc, which is extremely important for improving the synthesis of male hormones. Tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removing toxins from the bodyStrengthens health by improving the condition of the cardiovascular system, helping in the prevention of prostatitis.

Drinking tea for potency must be fresh, without overexposing the tea during the brewing process, otherwise the drink will contain excessive amounts of purines and caffeine. Large amounts of purines in the body can cause urea to form in the body. Strong tea will definitely cause insomnia, increase the burning sensation of the man. Do not use metal or plastic utensils for making tea.

The market offers a wide range of different types of tea, with indications of their purpose - to "improve potency". There are also quite a few offers from Chinese manufacturers, but you should be careful: Carefully examine the composition and possible side effects from taking for potency.

Several recipes of tea for potency

  • Blooming Sally:Dry leaves of the plant are poured with boiling water and insisted for no more than five minutes. Tea can be drunk 2-3 times a day.
  • Monastic Tea:This tea is a good remedy for the prevention of prostatitis. One herbal collection is mixed in one liter of water: two tablespoons each of St. John's wort, oregano, rose hips, elecampane root and black tea. For about 20 minutesThe tea is brewed over low heat, then the resulting broth is filtered.
  • Ginger Tea:You need to grind a little fresh ginger (a teaspoon is enough), pour boiling water and let it brew for about 10 minutes.